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Bob Kargenian Quoted in Retirement Daily

Bob Kargenian was quoted in Retirement Daily on TheStreet, in the article, “Can I Get Benefits Under My Deceased Former Spouse’s Social Security?”

According to the article, “This one is tricky, says Bob Kargenian, president of TABR Capital Management, LLC. ‘But, because she was married longer than 10 years, survivor benefits are available to her even though her ex-husband died while in prison.’ Kargenian explains, ‘She can receive full benefits at full retirement age, or reduced benefits at age 60.’ He recommends she contact Social Security to determine the difference in those payouts, as the benefit at full retirement age could be substantially greater, depending on whether it is also greater than the benefit from her own work record. Kargenian recommends a full analysis of her entire income/assets/balance sheet to help make a proper claiming decision.”

Read Bob Kargenian’s Full Quote (login required).

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By Steve Medland | TABR in the News