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Entering Weak Seasonal Period

Conclusion – Range Bound Until Broken The characteristics we’ve written about the past two months for the U.S. stock market remain in place—a bull market until proven otherwise, with a fairly narrow range, and the NY Advance/Decline Line making another new high as recently as April 15. Trading during the past two months has been […]

By Bob Kargenian | Monthly Updates

Quarterly Newsletter March 2015

TABR has released the March 2015 Newsletter. Download TABR Quarterly Newsletter here.

By Bob Kargenian | Monthly Updates

Monthly Update March 2015

CONCLUSION—The Same as Last Month Not much has changed since our mid-month update in February—a mostly bullish stock market environment, until proven otherwise.  We have been in a trading range since mid-November, with an upward bias.  The S&P 500 dropped -3.54% from February 24 to March 11, but has recovered almost all of that in […]

By Bob Kargenian | Monthly Updates

Monthly Update February 2015

CONCLUSION—Trading Range, But Mostly Bullish Until Proven Otherwise Most stock indexes were down about -3% in January, and this brought out the chorus of “as January goes, so goes the rest of the year.”  But that calendar anomaly has not worked in recent years, and here we are, two weeks into Febuary, and the losses […]

By Bob Kargenian | Monthly Updates

Monthly Update January 2015

CONCLUSION—Expect More Up and Down Volatility In the 5 trading days ending January 6, the S&P 500 Index dropped nearly -4% and in the process, wiped out the entire gains from the normally favorable seasonal periods in November and December.  In actuality, December was a down month for that index, but other indexes did rise. […]

By Bob Kargenian | Monthly Updates

How Valuable are Market Predictions?

Bob Kargenian was quoted by Barry Ritholtz in his Bloomberg article, No Room for Feelings in the Market. The article discusses the tendency of market commentators to make predictions based on market sentiment. According to Bob Kargenian, “If you’re bullish and wrong, you usually have plenty of company. But if you’re bearish and wrong, it’s almost unforgivable.” […]

By Bob Kargenian | TABR in the News

Monthly Update December 2014

CONCLUSION—A Classic Topping Process Since our last email update on Halloween six weeks ago, there has been a considerable amount of both up and down volatility in world stock markets.  From the October 15 low for most markets to December 5, the top for most markets, various indexes rallied anywhere from +5% (EEM—Emerging Markts Index) […]

By Bob Kargenian | Monthly Updates

Quarterly Newsletter December 2014

TABR has released the December 2014 Newsletter. Download TABR Quarterly Newsletter here.

By Bob Kargenian | Monthly Updates

Monthly Update October 2014

CONCLUSION Last month, I wrote about a change in character in the markets, based on weakness in global equities and high yield corporate bonds.  This change, which is from up to down, appears to be accelerating.  The percentage of stocks on the NYSE Index above their 200-day moving average has fallen to 47%, which means […]

By Bob Kargenian | Monthly Updates

Why Financial Advisors Still Hate Reverse Mortgages

Steve Medland was quoted by Ben Steverman in his article, Why Financial Advisers Still Hate Reverse Mortgages. Steverman interviewed Medland about the pros and cons of reverse mortgages for the article. According to the article, “A home equity loan is much cheaper and less complicated, says Steve Medland of TABR Capital Management in Orange County, […]

By Steve Medland | TABR in the News