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Bob Kargenian’s Letter Published in Barron’s

Bob Kargenian’s letter was published on July 12 in Barron’s, a weekly newspaper that covers financial information, relevant statistics, and market developments. In his letter, Bob says, “It continues to perplex me that many professionals in our industry, along with the financial press, perpetuate the myth of ‘cash on the sidelines’ when speaking of the […]

By Steve Medland | TABR in the News

Treat It As If It Was Yours. How We Invest Our Money. Skin In The Game.

In the early 1980s, I started subscribing to many technical stock market newsletters. One of them was called The Chartist, by a guy named Dan Sullivan, out of Seal Beach, CA. Besides being a proponent of using relative strength for stock picking, he did something that I’ve never recalled anyone else in the industry doing. […]

By Bob Kargenian | Monthly Updates

Bob Kargenian Quoted in Barron’s

Bob Kargenian’s letter was published in Barron’s, a weekly newspaper that covers financial information, relevant statistics, and market developments. In his letter, Bob says, “Hats off to Creative Planning’s chief market strategist Charlie Bilello for wondering about the government’s absurd assumptions that health insurance as computed in the consumer price index is 4% lower than […]

By Steve Medland | TABR in the News

It’s Just A Hunk Of Metal. That Four-Letter Word. GOLD

Few assets evoke similar amounts of passion and disdain as the precious metal, gold. This month we’ll look at its role in a diversified portfolio, if any, and what the data says. Trust me, the believers won’t be swayed. We’ll also touch on 529 expenses (what is and isn’t), the on-going upheaval in auto and […]

By Bob Kargenian | Monthly Updates

Cycles Suggest A Pause In Stocks. Higher Highs Are Probable. Inflation Isn’t Going Away

The stock market, as measured by the S&P 500 Index, had risen over 27% since its late October lows, with nary a -3% decline, the longest such streak in over 6 years. That uptrend is over, and cycles now suggest a consolidation into at least late May, if not longer. The momentum of the advance, […]

By Bob Kargenian | Monthly Updates

Navigating the Loss of the Stretch IRA Under the SECURE Act

Last month, I attended an intensive Friday-Saturday IRA workshop that focused on the many changes to IRA regulations in recent years. Ed Slott hosted the workshop. He’s a CPA and IRA expert, and you may recognize his name from the Retirement Freedom specials on PBS. I initially met Ed in 2005, the first time I […]

By Steve Medland | Monthly Updates

Talk Purdy To Me

Eventually, I’ll get into our recap of 2023 and how current market conditions look, but that’s all taking a back seat in my head through this Sunday night, when at about 8 pm Pacific time, either the 49ers or the Chiefs will be Super Bowl champions.  Since by some in the media this has become […]

By Bob Kargenian | Monthly Updates

Bob’s Retirement Plan. And New All-Time Highs Likely

There are a multitude of things we do at TABR. Managing money. College funding and planning. Social Security and pension decisions. Life insurance coverage. One of the biggest areas and commonalities is retirement planning. We’re usually the ones asking the questions, but TABR will celebrate its 20th anniversary in February of 2024. Steve Medland and […]

By Bob Kargenian | Monthly Updates

Wasted Time Redux. Everything Is Cyclical

In the summer of 2020, I started to use song titles for monthly headlines, to write about different topics. That month, it was Wasted Time, by the Eagles. We delved into the topic of how long it typically takes for markets to recover from losses. That’s relevant now, and the answer to what has been […]

By Bob Kargenian | Monthly Updates

Interim Update—Can Seasonality Save The Stock Market?

There’s been considerable damage to the stock market in the past several weeks (and the bond market as well). I didn’t want to wait until our full monthly update to communicate, as stocks broke support this past week and could be at a major tipping point. I’m not known for being brief, but this will […]

By Bob Kargenian | Monthly Updates