Don’t Ignore The Inverted Yield Curve
Several months ago, the yields on shorter term debt instruments began to rise above the yields of longer term debt of the same credit profile. This is unusual, as the chart below will illustrate. This is known as an inverted yield curve, and is typically associated with recessions. Why does that matter? Because bear markets […]
Inflation Protection Is Hard To Come By
From the year 2000 to 2020, inflation in the United States as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) averaged well under 3%. And about 3% inflation has been pretty much the average since 1950. Nothing is forever, though, thanks to the seemingly unlimited printing press known as The Federal Reserve. As a result, inflation […]
TABR Capital Management in OC Register Best of Orange County Readers’ Choice Poll

The Orange County Register’s annual Best of Orange County readers’ choice poll celebrates the area’s most popular attractions, restaurants, and other businesses. TABR Capital Management was one of three wealth advisers listed in the Register’s Best of Orange County 2022 feature – Wealth Adviser Category. To view the entire article, please click on this link.
Steve Medland Interviewed on the Retirement Revealed Podcast

In this episode of the Retirement Revealed Podcast, Jeremy Keil interviews Steve Medland to discuss his book, Spiraling Up: Discover Financial Serenity, Make Work Optional, and Live Happily in Retirement. The episode focuses on guiding you to financial serenity in retirement with Steve’s 7 principles. Steve discusses: Making work optional His work in investment management […]
Something’s Got To Give—-Will It Be S&P 500 3900?
Stocks staged a fairly impressive rally off of their mid-June lows, with the S&P 500 gaining over 17% in two months, and the NDX 100 (aka the QQQ) up nearly 23%. This had given hope from the bulls that the worst was over, and perhaps inflation was peaking. But in mid-August, virtually all major indexes […]
TABR Capital Management Named in Financial Advisor Magazine’s Top RIA Survey 2022

TABR Capital Management has been named in Financial Advisor Magazine’s Top RIA Survey 2022. The publication is a monthly financial services magazine that delivers market information for financial advisors. TABR manages approximately $170 million for over 200 clients nationwide. Read the entire article.
Cybersecurity: An Alarming True Story and How to Protect Yourself
On the morning of January 12, 2022, I took a quick look at my checking account balance, as I do most days. Instead of seeing around $9,000 or $10,000 as I had expected, the balance staring back at me was $109.97. Huh?! There had to be some mistake. I looked at recent transactions and saw […]
Steve Medland Interviewed on Sirius XM Radio’s “Your Money” Program

Wharton professor Kent Smetters, who is also the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, interviewed Steve Medland on his show, Your Money. They discussed a range of financial planning topics and Steve’s book Spiraling Up: Discover Financial Serenity, Make Work Optional, and Live Happily in Retirement. The program was originally aired […]
Winning More By Losing Less
This month’s headline is shameless plagiarism. When you read as much as I do, you get ideas from everywhere. In this case, it was a Fund Profile article in Barron’s on Rupal Bhansali, the portfolio manager for the Ariel International fund a couple of weeks ago. Bhansali successfully plays defense by first asking, before making […]
Steve Medland’s Article Published in California Business Journal

Steve Medland was published in California Business Journal, which writes and publishes insightful, in-depth, and captivating business articles on entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses. In the article, Steve says: In October 2005, Lara and Roger Griffith bought a lottery ticket and won the equivalent of $3.6 million in today’s dollars. Roger worked as an information technology manager, […]